Central Government of India is ready to finalize the plan to have centralized phone number service to provide all the important information like Ration Card, Driving License, Admission in School College, Hospital, Railway, Bus and Airline Services. Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has forwarded request to Ministry of Telecommunications. It is expected that the pilot project would start within nine months.
People availing the service will have to pay local call rates. Calls can me made on this number from anywhere in India. The call would be forwarded to a local call centre, where the staff will provide the required information in the local language. If required these staffs would forward the call to the concerned department.
In the pilot project, there would be five call centres- Delhi – Haryana, Maharashtra – Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh- Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu and Asaam.
Many states have earlier tried to start helplines to provide information on the same pattern. However, such helplines were not at all successful to satisfy the public as there were many numbers for different needs. It is expected that one centralized number would be easiest way to get the information.